郭戎晉 Ron Kuo

南臺科技大學財經法律研究所 助理教授 / Assistant Professor, Graduate Institute of Financial and Economic Law, Southern Taiwan University of Science and Technology
阿里巴巴集團國際隱私合規 高級專家 / Senior Expert in International Privacy Compliance at Alibaba Group
資策會產業情報研究所 產業顧問 / Industry Consultant at the Market Intelligence & Consulting Institute (MIC)


Professor Rong-Jin Guo specializes in technology law, civil law, private international law, technology policy, and industry analysis. Before entering academia, he worked at the Market Intelligence & Consulting Institute (MIC), where he led a research team in adapting and formulating multiple digital economy legal norms for the Executive Yuan’s “Virtual World Development Regulatory Adjustment” project. This involved significant issues such as online companies, internet finance, and online taxation. He was also responsible for the Ministry of Economic Affairs’ “E-Commerce Development Trend and Legal Planning Research Project” and the “E-Commerce Personal Data Management System Promotion Project.” Additionally, Professor Guo worked at Alibaba Group, where he held positions as a Senior Information Security Expert and a Senior Expert in International Compliance, responsible for promoting legal compliance in the group’s international business.