Minister without Portfolio, Executive Yuan
- Chief Technology Officer, Inforian Inc. (1995-1997)
- Consultant, BenQ Corp. (1998-2000)
- President, OurInternet, Inc. (2000-2005)
- Designer, Platform Specialist and Implementor, Haskell Language (2003-2010)
- Consultant, S-Team Technology Co. (2004-2008)
- Designer and Lead Implementor, Perl 6 Language (2005-2008)
- Consultant, Socialtext Inc. (2008-2016)
- Consultant on Cloud Services Localization, Apple Inc. (2010-2016)
- Consultant, Oxford University Press (2014-2016)
- Consultant, Executive Yuan “vTaiwan” project (2014-2015)
- Member, K-12 National Curriculum Development Committee, National Academy for Education Research (2015-2016)
- Minister without Portfolio, Executive Yuan (2016- )