Max Chen is a technology advocate and a diplomat at heart, and works at the intersection of technology, policy, and law. Max currently leads Facebook’s government affairs and public policy works in Taiwan, spearheading an innovation friendly policy environment of the island country. Before switching to private sector in 2018, Max had an established career in diplomacy. He led international affairs division of Taiwan largest metropolis New Taipei City to actively amplify the role of the cities in the global efforts for sustainable development, and served in Taiwan’s Foreign Ministry, coordinating various political negotiations in international contexts to advance Taiwan’s interests. He also worked as a special assistant and advisor in Taiwan’s presidential office in 2014-15. Max studied international relations and technology law in Taipei, Berlin, and Vienna, and was a German Bucerius Global Governance Fellow (2011) and Atlantic Council Millennium Leadership Fellow (2017).


陳奕儒 (Max Chen) 目前負責Facebook在台灣的公共政策和政府關係部門,主要在於協力創造一個適合科技創新的台灣政策環境,促進網路良善治理。在2018年轉到科技領域工作之前,Max曾主管新北市政府國際事務部門,積極在國際場域倡議新北市在永續發展的政策經驗,並擴大政策成果的效益。他也曾經任職於外交部及總統府,負責台灣政府在相關國際組織的參與與協調工作。Max的學術背景包括國際關係及科技法,曾求學於台北、柏林及維也納,並獲選為德國Bucerius全球治理學人(2011)及華府Atlantic Council千禧領袖學人(2017)。