Member of the Board of Director, ICANN
Becky Burr has been involved in Internet governance issues for more than 25 years. As the director of the Office of International Affairs at the US NTIA in the late 1990’s, Becky was responsible for the US government’s efforts to transition DNS management activities from US government contractors, Becky served as the primary author of both the Green and White Papers, which culminated in the creation of ICANN by the global Internet community. Becky served as the first US government representative to ICANN’s Government Advisory Committee (GAC). Since leaving the government, Becky has been active in ICANN’s GNSO, served on the ccNSO Council for nearly 10 years, and is currently beginning her third term on the ICANN Board of Directors. Outside of ICANN, Becky’s professional focus in technology and global data privacy law.