助理教授, 國立臺灣大學法律學院
Assistant Professor, College of Law, National Taiwan University
陳衍任是臺灣大學法律學院助理教授。他畢業於臺灣大學法律學系及臺灣大學法律學研究所。他在教育部公費的贊助下,赴德國科隆大學與奧格斯堡大學繼續深造稅法及國際稅法,並於2012年取得德國科隆大學企業稅法碩士,同時於2016年取得德國奧格斯堡大學法學博士。他發表過許多稅法領域的文章,2023年起任教於臺灣大學法律學院。 Yen-Jen Chen is an assistant professor at National Taiwan University Law School. He received his Bachelor and Master of Laws from NTU. Sponsored by Taiwan’s Ministry of Education, he furthered his research in tax law and international tax law at University of Cologne, Germany and University of Augsburg, Germany, earning his LL.M. in Corporate Tax Law in 2012 and Dr. iur. degree in 2016. He has published numerous articles in tax law and joined NTU College of Law in 2023.