顧靜恆 Ching-Heng Ku

Director, Dept. of IP, TWNIC / 台灣網路資訊中心網址組 組長
IANA Numbering Services Review Committee(IANA RC)Representative

Dr. Ching-Heng Ku received Ph.D. degree in the Department of Computer and Information Science at National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan in 1999. He had worked as associate research scientist in the department of system and networking at National Center for High-performance Computing (NCHC) of Taiwan on 2000-2004. He has been working for Taiwan Network Information Center (TWNIC) since 2004. He also has participated APNIC meeting since 2000 and had ever been the chair of the NIR Hostmaster workshop and the co-chair of Policy SIG, NIR SIG, and DB SIG at APNIC meeting. He had ever taken in charge of the Secretariat of Asia Pacific IPv6 Task Force, and hold the Asia Pacific IPv6 summit and Asia Pacific IPv6 Task Force meeting, as well as supports organizing IPv6 Readiness Measurement BoF and IPv6 Deployment session in APNIC Conferences.

He is now the director of IP department of TWNIC and take in charge of the IP Policy research and Number Resources Services at the TWNIC. He also took in charge of the project of IPv6 and RPKI deployment and promotion in Taiwan. He was the deputy director of the operation division in Internet Protocol Upgrade and Promotion Office of National Information and Communications Initiative Committee, Executive Yuan, Taiwan. He also joined the IPv6 upgrade and promotion program of MOTC and chaired the Advanced and complete IPv6 ecosystem promotion plan of NCC in Taiwan.