關奕斌 Alban Kwan

CSCHead of Corporate Development and Strategic Alliances, APAC, CSC

關奕斌(Alban Kwan)任職於CSC的亞太區企業發展和戰略聯盟總監。他於2009年加入CSC數字品牌服務及其子公司。 Alban對在線品牌保護、數字資產管理以及網絡安全均持有深刻見解,他尤其擅長亞太區域,同時也為許多頂尖國際企業及當地公司提供建議。 Alban能與地方政策制定者融為一體,並常常受邀在各類會議上發言,分享其在品牌保護、安全上的寶貴見解,並解讀相關地方政策是如何影響企業的。

Alban Kwan is the APAC head of Corporate Development and Strategic Alliances for CSC. He has been with CSC’s Digital Brand Services business and affiliated companies since 2009. Alban has developed a deep understanding of online brand protection, digital assets management, and cyber security, specifically for the Asia-Pacific region, and he advises top global and local companies. Alban frequently engages with local policy makers and is often invited to speak at conferences, where he shares his invaluable insight on brand protection, security, and local policies affecting businesses.