網路治理個人使用者及公民社群的參與:At-Large Community與ALAC的現況與挑戰
The role of individual end users and civil society in Internet governance: the challenges of At-Large Community and ALAC
提案單位:國立陽明交通大學科技法律學院(The National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University School of Law)
所屬子題Sub Theme:韌性與永續(Resilience and Sustainability)
在ICANN的多方利害關係人模型中,公民社會、非營利團體與網路個人使用者的參與相當重要,目前主要可經由At-Large Community或是GNSO的NCSG(Non-Commercial Stakeholders’ Group,非商業利害關係人團體)的管道參與網路治理。At-Large Community是一個bottom-up的結構,大眾諮詢委員會(At-Large Advisory Committee, ALAC)是為個人使用者發聲的主要組織,其為個人使用者的利益向 ICANN提出建議,亦涵蓋ICANN其他支援組織制定的網路政策。此外,ALAC和At-Large Community也可選任一名ICANN董事。 ALAC近年來提出之政策建議對於網路治理、ICANN結構、網路安全、技術創新上做出許多貢獻;但近年來也不乏許多對於At-Large與ALAC是否與如GNSO及其他支援組織及諮詢委員會之職能過於重疊而應廢除的質疑。本場座談將深入探討At-large Community,並以永續發展的角度探討如何促進網路使用者對於網路治理的參與,並提出一些可能的解方與建議。
Session Description:
In ICANN’s multistakeholder model, the participation of civil society, non-commercial groups, and Internet end users is crucial. It can mainly be done through the At-Large Community or the GNSO’s NCSG( Non-Commercial Stakeholders’ Group) to participate in Internet governance. The At-Large Community is a bottom-up, tiered structure, and the ALAC is the primary organizational home for the voice and concerns of the individual Internet user. In addition, ALAC and At-Large Community may elect an ICANN director.
The policy recommendations put forward by ALAC in recent years have made many contributions to Internet governance, ICANN structural issues, network security, and technological innovation. However, in recent years, there have been many questions about whether the functions of ALAC somehow overlap with the GNSO and other supporting organizations (SOs) or advisory committees (ACs). Some radical arguments even suggest that ALAC needs to be abolished or consolidated.
This panel discussion will take an in-depth look at the At-large Community, discuss how to promote Individual Internet users’ participation in Internet governance from the perspective of sustainable development, and propose some possible solutions and suggestions.