李聖毅 Ron Lee

APRALO個人會員 / APRALO Individual Members

李聖毅目前為臺灣唯一加入亞太地區大眾諮詢委員會(APRALO)之個人會員,現為國立陽明交通大學科技法律研究所碩士生,師從蔡志宏庭長及陳鋕雄教授,主要研究方向為網路治理、健康資料治理、個人資料保護法及生物科技法律,畢業於國立臺灣大學法律學系法學組。 李聖毅曾參加NII產業發展協進會主辦之ICANN公共政策研習營及網路治理研習營,並獲選為實習學員,參加網路治理國際論壇如IGF-USA及EuroDIG等,並撰寫數篇摘要;他曾於2022年擔任TWIGF之與談人,談論全球網路治理下的區塊鏈域名並介紹 .hiphop頂級域名的移轉爭議;他並於2024年成功加入ICANN大眾社群(At-Large Community)之APRALO成為個人會員,為迄今臺灣唯一一位入選成員;他並於同年獲選亞太網路治理論壇(APrIGF)臺灣研究員及亞太網路資訊中心(APNIC)研究員。

Sheng-Yi Ron Lee is currently the only individual member from Taiwan who has joined the Asia Pacific Regional At-Large Organization (APRALO). He is a master’s student at the School of Law, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University, studying under the guidance of Division-Chief Judge Henry Tsai and Professor Thomas Chen. His main research areas include Internet governance, health data governance, personal data protection law, and biotechnology law. He graduated from the Department of Law at National Taiwan University. Ron has participated in many international Internet governance forums. In 2022, he served as a panelist at TWIGF, discussing blockchain domain names under global Internet governance and introducing the transfer dispute of the .hiphop top-level domain. In 2024, he joined the At-Large Community of ICANN, becoming a member of APRALO, and remains the only member from Taiwan to date. The same year, he was also selected as a Taiwan fellow for the Asia Pacific Regional Internet Governance Forum (APrIGF) and a fellow for the Asia Pacific Network Information Centre (APNIC).