林韋丞 Wei-Chen Lin
財團法人開放文化基金會 執行秘書
Executive Secretary, OCF
林韋丞畢業於國立政治大學新聞學系、民族學系碩士班,2021年加入開放文化基金會,負責會內開放政府、開放資料等倡議,曾任衛生福利部資料開放諮詢小組委員、開放國會行動方案民間委員;同時也主責會內數位人權及網路自由二領域的專案及倡議。 所涉專長包括:專案管理、質化研究、並置民族誌、資訊安全、組織策略與經營管理等。
Mr. Wei-Chen Lin graduated from the Department of Journalism at National Chengchi University and the Graduate Institute of Ethnology. He joined the Open Culture Foundation in 2021, where he is responsible for initiatives related to open government and open data. He has served as a member of the Ministry of Health and Welfare’s Data Open Consultation Group and as a member of the multi-stakeholders forum of the Open Parliament Action Plan in Taiwan. Additionally, he is in charge of projects and advocacy in the areas of digital human rights and internet freedom within the foundation.